I have several 3 year old Baptisia australis plants in the same area. All are doing great, but one. I have no clue as to why one of my plants leaves turned yellow (lighter green), compared to the others. I noticed the stalks are brown, compared to the fresh light green of the 7 other plants. The plant flowered this year and it is about 3 feet/3 feet. There seems to be a film on the stalks. Thanks for your advice.
Your plants sound like they are doing well. There are a few possibilities for why one plant looks different. One is that it may not have matured fully; another is that it may be a slightly different cultivar; another is that there may be some insects or disease - check for aphids or scale insects:
Another possibility is that this one plant is just not as strong as the others. This happens sometimes, there's no real reason, but anyone who's gardened for very long has seen it. At any rate, here's an article that might give you some more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/baptisia/growing-baptisia-plants.htm
When should Baptisia be transplanted?
Due to the plant's long taproot, baptisia is usually difficult to transplant. However, if you would still like to attempt this, do so in spring and dig down deep enough to get as much of this root as you can, including a good clump of the soil. This article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/learn-how-to-avoid-and-repair-transplant-shock-in-plants.htm
Three years ago I planted two Baptisia australis shrubs and they have yet to bloom. They get at least 8 hrs. of sun daily. Bushes are in excellent condition. Could you give me any information as to why they have not bloomed? They are at least 4 ft. tall and wide.
It does take at least 3 years for the plants to become established and start to bloom.
Since your plants are just reaching that age I would be patient.
You could also add some Phosphorous to boost flower production. Bone Meal is a good way to do so, but I would recommend waiting until early spring to fertilize.
Should I try to move my Baptisia now or wait until spring? It is small but will be too crowded. I did not know how this beautiful plant functioned until this year when several began to mature and show their shrub-like qualities. I understand that Baptisia does not like to be moved but before I knew how this wonderful plant bloomed, etc., I planted them much too close. I want to move a couple of them now--early fall. They are quite small yet, and the weather is cool and wet. Is this a good time or should I wait until spring? I need to take my chances so that I can give them sufficient room to grow.
You are correct that they don't like to be moved, but you certainly can move then. Sooner than later as the root system is quite large.
Moving them will likely reset the flowering and they may not flower again for at least the first year.
You can move them this fall or wait until spring.
Here is a link with growing information.
Should I cut back my baptisia in the fall?
Here is a link that will help you.
My Baptisia just grew from seed this summer in a very large pot. Can I overwinter in my CT zone 5 on my deck where it has been? This is the only place on the property that gets 5 hours of sun or more, so I'm afraid to put it in the ground where it may get at best, 3-4 hrs of sun.
Baptisia is typically winter-hardy in zone 5, so it can overwinter outdoors. Since potted plants are exposed to the cold more than plants in the ground, you may need to cover it for cold protection. These articles will give you ideas for how:
My baptisia has cimpletely flopped over after blooming and some heavy rains. I would like to cut it bsck now, early summer. What can i do?
This article will help you.