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Q.The Leaves On Our Newly Planted Pink Dogwood Have All Turned Brown.

Zone 10605 | Dasaville added on August 16, 2020 | Answered

We bought it from a garden center one and a half months ago and planned it in our front yard, which gets full afternoon sun. After the first week the leaves started turning brown and now all the leaves are brown. We water it every other day and even tried watering it move around the drip line so the roots would grow out. Is it too late to some how revive it?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 18, 2020

There are a few things to address, here.

Dogwoods really appreciate a good bit of shade, though they can tolerate full sun if planted at the proper time. They, also, need to be planted in very early Spring before it breaks dormancy or Winter during dormancy to avoid heat shock and death. They are very susceptible to root rots from wet soils, as well.

All of these in combination will take out the tree, rather quickly.

You can attempt to move the tree to a better location, but it looks to be on its way out.

Here are some articles that will help:




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