My Yesterday Today and Tomorrows do not change colors. They bloom white and stay white until they fall off. I was wondering why they aren't purple when they bloom, then turn lavender and then turn white.
Your plant my be getting too much sunlight.
Here is a link to refresh you on the care requirements.
Fertilizer for a yesterday, today and tomorrow?
You can fertilize your plant once a year in the spring.
Use an all purpose, slow release fertilizer.
Our 25-30 year old yesterday, today and tomorrow shrub seems to have sections that are dying off this summer. Does this type of shrub have a lifespan? We have given it water periodically in the hot, dry weather. We live in the New Orleans area.
You will need to water this shrub during dry spells. I would increase watering.
Here is a link to refresh you on the care requirements.
We had temperatures in the teens, and my Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow looks dead. Should I cut it back and see what happens? If so, how far back do I prune?
With freeze-damaged plants, the best thing to do is protect them from further freeze damage, then leave them until spring. Waiting until spring to prune will prevent additional damage from the cold, and you will be able to see which parts of the plant are still alive (those that produce leaves) and which are dead. You can then prune away the dead parts.
If the whole plant looks dead in spring, this plant can even be pruned to the ground, and it may still grow back from the roots.
can you transplant from existing plant-grown new plants from clipping
Yes, you can propagate this plant.
This article will help you.
The pest may be a thrip. There are minute black spots on thr underside of thr leaves. Minute transparent bugs are crawling around the leaves.
Neem Oil is a good treatment.
These links have more information.
I have 8 plants about 3 years old and they just won't grow any taller than when they were planted. Tried liquid feed and regular watering but they are just the same as when planted. Any suggestions? Regards, Edward Allen
I have 8 plants about 3 years old and they just won't grow any taller than when they were planted. Tried liquid feed and regular watering but they are just the same as when planted. Any suggestions? Regards, Edward Allen