I want to dig my tulips up from my garden and put them in pots on patio for next spring.... What is the best process? Can I plant them in pots and let them winter outdoors or should I store pots in dark basement until spring? Or should I just store bulbs until fall, then plant them in pots? I'm in zone 6.
Tulips in zone 6 don't reliably return so they are best treated as annuals. In the fall, plant new tulips in containers in well draining soil and store them in the garage or basement during the winter. Water lightly once a month. (If left outside, the bulbs may rot in a container.) In the spring, move the containers outside for sun and rain.
Can I plant these? Will they flower? How long till they flower- or will they
Tulips are picky about their growing conditions and often are best treated as annuals. They don't reliably return unless a constant, cold period is met.
Those baby bulbs are the tulips way of multiplying, and if your tulips regularly return, you are one of the lucky ones. You can separate those and replant them, but they won't bloom till they mature in a year or two, and that's only if tulips typically return in your climate. Here is more: