I have tiger lilies - they only bloom one time each year. They are blooming right now. Once the blooms die, the entire plant dies until the next year. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you.
No, your plants are doing exactly what they are suppose to!
Here is an article that will refresh you on the care requirements.
I have a large bunch of tiger lillies. I have had them 4-5 years. problem is that I get only 2 tiger lilly to bloom each year. What causes tiger lillies not to bloom?
This may be a sign that your plants need to be divided.
These articles have more information.
Do they reseed themselves
No, they do not reseed but they can easily be divided if more plants are desired. Dig up the entire clump and use your hands to tease apart the clump. If it is an old plant, throw out the tubers from the center and replant the newer growth from the edges. This can be done in spring or fall. Even if you managed to grow one from seed, it would take years to reach bloom stage.
I planted some wild Tiger Lilly bublets last fall. They initially grew and reached a height of 3 inches or so. They seem to have stopped growing and slowly a few of them are dying. They are in potting soil and I added a little fertilizer a month ago. I have tried keeping them moist. Then I tried not watering them more than every 2nd or 3rd day. They really haven't grown at all in the past 2-3 months. They get maybe 2 hours of direct sunlight per day and we are using a plant light. What should I be doing? Thanks! Clay S
Can you include a photo? This can help me to see what is going on. Are there any other symptoms, like spots, or discoloration? How powerful, and what kind of light are you using? A photo will be very helpful if you can provide one. In the meantime this article will give you advice on their care: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/lily/tiger-lily-care.htm
When the flower starts to die, what should I do? Dead head? Will they bloomer more than once a year? Thanks:>) Terri
Except for some newer re-blooming varieties, tiger lilies bloom only in spring. When all the flower buds on a stem are done, cut the stem to the ground.
All my tiger lily pots on both ends of the deck have this white fuzzy substance on the tops of the bud clusters. What is it and will it hurt the lilys?
Some strains of lily have this white fuzz and it is normal. That's hard to believe, I know. If you do an image search for "white fuzz on lily buds" you'll see many images of it. Many images relate to questions from panicky or confused gardeners, just like you.
my plants have the seeds now. I don't want to harvest them to soon.
Wait until the seed capsule and the stem under it turn brown. A gentle squeeze will cause the capsule to open when it is ready. Another option is to tie cheesecloth around the capsule and trap the seeds when they fall.