These sandcherries were chewed down by deer shortly after planting and after that continued growing prostrate. Can i cut them down dramatically without killing them? Will that correct the problem?
They do respond well to heavy pruning, but it is best to avoid cutting off more than 1/3 of the entire plant at any one time.
This article will help you to care for the shrub:
Thanks for the info!
We have 3 Purple Leaf Sand Cherry trees in front of our bedroom window and they are quite sparse as far as blooms on the lower half so I was looking to plant something in front of them that will grow in height so that you don't see the baldness of the tree limbs on the bottom.
There are many options available to you! These articles will offer some suggestions:
These articles will offer more information on growing in zone 6:
It's a young tree. But something is eating the leaves. Whatever it is is not eating my other plants. I do not see any bugs on it. What do I use to combat them?
Unfortunately, your photos did not come through. I am unable to assess the situation.
These articles will help in the meantime:
I have an 8 year old cherry that got 6 years rabbits chewed it to within 12 of the ground during the winter. This past winter I fenced it off so the rabbits went elsewhere. Now most of the limbs/branches are about 4 feet long but only have leafs on the top 12 inches. I believe I should cut them back to stem these are growing from. When is the question. Now? In the fall? Or early spring?⁹
It wouldn't hurt to prune out a few of the scraggliest ones now, but save any major pruning for late winter. This article should help: