I got tired of the care needed and the overgrowth of my tree and decided to take it out. If any part of the root is left behind will it send up new tree growth and what is the best way to get rid of it totally?
If you aren't removing the main truck/stem below ground then it will re-sprout. Your options are to cover it with a tarp and some stones to block all sunlight. This may take an entire season to be effective. The roots can be left in place to decompose. A quicker solution is to wait until the sand cherry leafs out completely. At this point, cut it down and immediately apply a thin layer of herbicide such as triclopyr or glyphosate concentrate to the cut stumps. Using a small paintbrush is convenient.
My sand cherry is quite overgrown, unsightly, and unfortunately right next to our walkway. Will it be a mistake if I severely cut it back at this time of year? Will it revive for next year? Thank you for your help
It will be quite stressful to do "rejuvenation pruning" at this time. For one thing, as hard as it might be to say this, some of us only have 2-3 months before first frost. By the time new growth forms, there isn't enough time for that tender growth to harden off well and it may die over winter. Clearly, pruning now also jeopardizes spring bloom which, I'm sure you know. Trim back enough to free the walkway now and over winter, or just after spring bloom, cut the rest back. If you are thinking you may move it to a spot with more room, do root pruning 6 months before the move. Many of the delicate feeder roots are the furthest from the plant and get severed in the moving process. Root pruning encourages formation of feeder roots closer to the trunk, easing transplant stress. Here is an article that discusses moving a large tree but the principles are the same for your sand cherry. Using a tarp for dragging the tree to its new location is very convenient. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/moving-mature-trees.htm
we have a Purple Leaf Sand Cherry bush. it produces red berries with a stone in it. Can you eat the red berries?
The native Western Sandcherry has edible fruits often used for jelly, and its cultivar, the Purpleleaf Sand Cherry, has rare fruits hardly noticeable against the purple foliage. I would leave those fruits for the songbirds.
Here is more information:
I have an 18 year old sand cherry tree that started dropping its leaves in early June. can you tell me why this is happening. This is the second year its done that. Last year I thought the tree was dying but in April it bloomed beautifully. Now the leaves are dropping daily. any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank uou.
In my area, the weather has been a little cooler than normal for the passed few years. Maybe this is the case in your area as well? Other than this, if the tree is healthy, and comes back there should be no need for concern. If it is showing more symptoms and getting worse, then I would look to correcting the environment first.
This article will help you with the proper care of these: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/sand-cherry/purple-leaf-sandcherry-info.htm
They are well established and have never done this before. It isn't all the leaves yet so I would like to treat it if possible. I have searched the internet with no results. Thank you for any help you can provide.
This could be due to an insect pest scarifying and skeletonizing the leaves, "cherry slug" is the larva of a sawfly, and Japanese beetles do this.
Neem Oil is a good treatment for mosts pests.
How to know if this has died over the winter? It grew leaves in April and then turned a whiteish color. Is it dead?
There appears to be living leaf growth in the photo. Make sure that you are giving it the proper care. This article will give you more information:
Leaves developed in Early summer now 3/4 leaves have died off. Lots of shoots at bottom of tree and on the trunk. Not sure what to do.
The shoots at the bottom of the tree (suckers) are coming from the rootstock and need to be removed. They often appear when the tree is stressed. You need to figure out what caused the leaf drop on the upper part of the tree. Here are some possibilities: