In transferring my plant to a pot a few stems broke off. I put them in water and they look good. Will roots develop so I can put it back in the pot?
It depends on the plant. Many houseplants can be propagated easily this way. Many will root just sticking them into a pot with potting mix.
Here is more info:
sap rising or sap falling ?
If you are wanting to root a "softwood" plant, like an herb or flower, you should take the cutting in early spring when you can see that the new growth is still bendable and soft. If you're wanting to take a hard-wood cutting, it's better to wait until the plant or tree is inactive, in early winter or early spring. If you know whether the sap is high or low, I would think low is preferable.
Here's an article for you to read:
How do I grow a tree from a branch? My mother used to do it all the time so I know there’s a way. One is a Japanese maple; the other one is a Japanese coral maple that’s a big tree. They look like they’re crying and I know they are ???. I was going to put them individually in little padding sales you know like those little Jiffy Pots but I figured I’d wait and hear from the experts you guys have been so helpful!!! You can post this online and the site but please also send me an email response I don’t want to miss your answers thank you have a blessed night.
These will root rather easily, but you must follow some guidelines first. Also, if the tree is grafted, you may not get the exact attributes of the tree, i.e., it might be taller, less hardy, etc.
I would like the plant to get bushy instead of just one branch. It about 6ft tall now buy only one single branch.
Unfortunately, your photo did not come through, and you did not specify the type of plant. I will be unable to give any information, as different plants have different tolerances.
Here is some, general, information on taking cuttings:
In your articles it says to start propagating most houseplants by putting them into rooting powder then placing them into a mixture of peat moss and sand.... How important is this instead of putting your cuttings coated in rooting powder straight into normal potting soil?
Referring to your posted article today on Cinnamon
Sure. Here is a publishing from Iowa State University on the subject:
I bought a root growing powder from China In simple expenations; How do I use it ?
I don't know if it is rooting hormone to use when growing a cutting or if it is something you mix with water to enhance newly planted plants.