I have a plum tree that has been heavily pruned and is now covered in water sprouts. If i remove them all there will be no foliage left. Do I remove all of the sprouts? The tree also didn't produce any plums.
Yes. If this is a grafted tree, then leaving the new shoots can kill off the grafted top. However, they can be an indicator that the top has already died, or is currently dying.
If you know that this tree is not grafted, and is growing on its own roots stock, then you can choose one of the new water spouts to be the main tree and cut the rest.
Unfortunately, you will have to keep cutting them until they stop coming back. This will, likely, be when you establish a new leader, or set of leaders.
Here are some articles that will help:
Why has my plum tree suddenly died. It was full of flower and leaf with fruits forming. then suddenly it was all gone and is dead. It has always been very productive. The tree was about ten years in the same position. The apple trees are all fine.
Tree borers may have damaged it. Here are more possibilities:
I have a Santa Rosa plum tree with great production for years. This year, after harvesting plums, it is now producing a fruit about the same size, but in yellowish green color and smells like peach. I am quite sure that it is not a plum. There are more than a hundred of them on the tree right now. Is this normal?
If the grafted root stock takes over, then yes. It is necessary to keep any growth from the base of the tree cut. By this time, since they are fruiting, it is likely too late. Here is an article for more information:
my grandson found these, while blackberry picking and wanted to know if they are edible too. Thanks, Denise and Dexter (7)
This appears to be some sort of plum. To confirm if the tree is in the genus, Prunus, make sure to cut it open to see that it only has one stone seed.
If it does have one stone seed, and it tastes palatable, then it can be safe to consume, as long as the tree has not been sprayed with anything questionable.
What is the reccomended treatment for plum rust in Northwest England, please? We have just bought this tree (by post, because of coronavirus), and have not introduced it to our garden yet. (We have no diseases in our garden in back) We are wondering if we should remove all the leaves first (I fear this will weaken it irreparably, as it is a potted plant) , spray it with fungicide ... and maybe leave it isolated from the rest of the garden until the rest of the leaves drop for winter, then plant it in the garden in back? If you reccommend spraying, which fungicide spray do you suggest?
I would first try to get my money back from the vendor for sending a tree in this condition. These articles will help:
I have a Victoria plum tree its four years old it blooms very well but when it comes to fruiting almost all of the small plums turn yellow and drop off I only had six plums from it this year is there anything I can do to help my plum tree please?
Here are articles about plum tree care that should help:
I need help identifying my type of plum tree so I can learn when and how to prune it? A large yellow plum. About 1 3/4" x 1 1/4" oval shaped. Thin semi transparent skin when ripe. Yellow meat, very sweet and juicy. Has thorns 1" long. Older tree with long crossing and interwoven branches in every direction. 25' tall and 35' diameter. When I prune, it grows suckers 6' in length in the same year. Sprouts shoots from the ground around the outer edges of the tree.
Be sure to remove the sprouts/suckers as soon as you see them. They are coming from the rootstalk. It sounds like the tree wasn't pruned when young and didn't get the benefit of a sound structural development. Crossing branches should be removed. Information from Washington extension says to prune heavily in maturity. It may be a Shiro variety. Check the article below, it gives descriptions and harvest times, you may be able to narrow it down. There also is pruning information.
Here is more: