How do I send a picture for identification?
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It has white stems and leaves. It has large white and purple blooms. It is like a hedge or shrub, but I am told it will grow 12 ft tall, 6-7 ft wide and will make a perfect privacy shrub along a fence row. Do you know of or have an idea of the name of this plant? I got it in central Texas and it is supppose to be drought resistant, needing little water, and is suppose to be fine in direct sunlight. Please advise.
Do you have a picture of the plant? If you could send in a picture, we could be of more more in identifying it.
I have a woodland garden and keep finding pine-cone shaped growth that is becoming a problem. It is growing out of the ground and has small white 'buds' on it. I keep digging them up, but they return. I have tried weed/brush killer to no avail. Any ideas what this may be and how can I get rid of it for good?
Could you send us a picture of this plant? We can be of more help identifying the plant if we're able to see it.
My houseplant looks like a palm but has different leaves--with two branches that are shaped like a U.
I've wracked my brains and searched several books, but I'm not seeing anything that you might be describing as u-shaped leaves. Can you possibly send a picture?
I live in central Illinois and I saw a plant or weed (as the homeowner called it). It reminded me of oriental bulbs stacked on top of each other. It was either yellow or orange-yellow and the leaves reminded me of the leaves of a carrot. Could you please tell me what this plant or weed is? I have searched several different websites and I have yet to see it.
Could you send in a picture of the plant? This would help us to better identify it for you.
My neighbor gave me some very cute plants. The leaves are 1" grow in low clumps and are green with white spots, pink spots, coral spots and almost look like they were speckled with bleach. Can you identify them? Are they shade or sun plants? Thank you, happime
Could you send us a picture of the plant? This will make it easier to identify it for you. You can send it to
This has long narrow green leaves with pendulas and tulip-shaped crimson flowers. What is it, please?
If you could send us a picture of this plant, we would be happy to help identify it for you.
Yes - PLEASE send a pix, I have them growing in my back yard (new house)!