I have tried to find this plant on my own, but have had no luck. The plant has shiny green leaves interspersed with yellow on some leaves. It produces clumps of flowers that resemble small orchids. Is there a plant called Cena's Noid?
Is this the plant you are speaking of?
If not, let us know and we will look again.
What plant has a holly shape but larger flat leaf? It has a trumpet shape blossom. The blossom falls off, then grows a lychee shape something.
If you can send us the picture, we can look at it a little closer and tell you what it is.
I have 4 trees in my garden that I think were set by birds. They are fairly smart trees, so I let them grow. In the Autumn they turn a pretty orange red before the leaves fall off, as they are doing at the moment. The trunks are a silvery grey. The leaves are similar to an apple leaf in appearance, but lighter green. One actually had a small white blossom on this summer then turned into a small woody brown berry. But in 2009, I had to partly cut one down, and it bled dark red sap profusely, and no branches have grown from it since--although sucker-like branches have grown from beneath the soil from the tree. They are very pretty foliage trees, and so far they are about 4 ft. tall and still growing.
It might be a Soymida Febrifuga. But that is not native to your area, but your desctiption of it is dead on this tree. Here is more information:
I've discovered a 10 foot solid tree-like stem with big hand-shape, webbed leaves. No blooms.
Can you send us a picture? We should be able to identify it from the picture.
I found a little piece of a plant in a parking lot. I wrapped it in a damp paper towel and planted it when I got home. It's been over a year now. It's going strong, but I don't know what it is. How do I post a picture of it?
Simply send us the picture at questions@gardeningknowhow.com and we'll be happy to help you identify it.
The plant is like a grass at the base with many stems from 18" - 24" long. The top of the stem has many slender pointed leaves, sort of like a starburst about 3"-5" long. Each shoot grows fairly quickly, but I notice the tips of the leaves brown. I am not sure if I over or under water it. Can you help me please?
Send in a picture and we'll see if we can help identify it for you.
It has very tiny flowers and a wood-like stem, but it's delicate. The flower is HOT pink. I've never seen it before, and it came in a bouquet of wildflowers.
If you send us a picture of the flower, we will happliy help you to identify it.