I have just planted eight tomato plants that I started from seed inside in early February. The weather has been consistently in the 70s and 80s since I planted, and nighttime temps have not been below 40. The leaves on the plants have turned yellow with white right at the edges, and the plants seem to have stopped growing. I've heard that walnut trees can kill tomatoes, and I have pecan trees all around the garden. Could this be the problem?
Pecans are allelopathic (though not as much as black walnuts) and this can affect tomato plants if they grow nearby or are mulched with pecan leaves.
Will rust in the ground affect pecans? I have a pecan tree many years old that use to produce pecans; now they rot in the shell before they ripen.
It is possible, though other factors could contribute to the demise of pecans as well. This article will help determine if the issue is rust and what to do about it: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/disease/learn-about-plant-rust-disease-and-rust-treatment.htm
What months does the Pecan tree drip sap in Dallas, TX?
Typically, pecans do not drip sap. If you have a pecan tree that is dripping sap, this is a sign of a pest infestation. There are a few pests it can be, like aphid or scale. They all can be treated with a basic pesticide. I personally like to use neem oil as it is organic, systemic (so you don't need to coat the whole tree) and food safe.
I just moved in a home in northeast Georgia and wanted to plant a pecan tree. Is it ok to plant them in July?
Generally, January and February are the recommended months to plant pecan trees in Georgia because it increases the tree’s chance for survival. It is far too hot for planting in July.
How fast do these tree grow and when will they have pecans?
Here is growing info for pecan trees: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/pecan/growing-pecan-trees.htm
I recently visited Mt. Vernon (home of George Washington) and gathered several Pecan nuts that had just fallen. I live in southern California and would like advice for planting and info as to whether the climate will accommodate life for the tree. I have about 5 nuts still in the outer shell, which are still green. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
This article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/pecan/growing-pecan-trees.htm
Some of the pecans on our trees are turning black and falling off the tree. When cut open, the insides are black and not mature. What causes this and what is the solution? Some of the other pecans are starting to get black spots on them. There have been very few webworm nests this year and we have cut most of the nests out of the trees. The trees are about 35 years old and seem healthy. This problem has been getting worse in the last 3 or 4 years.
Thuricide can be sprayed on any plant, vegetable or fruit without posing a hazard. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is another option. Since this is a selective insecticide, it kills webworms while remaining safe to humans.