When and how do you prune muscadine vines?
They can generally be pruned anytime during dormancy (i.e. winter). These articles should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/grapes/prune-grape-vine.htm
http://www.uaex.edu/Other_Areas/publications/PDF/FSA-6108.pdf (bottom pg. 3)
There is a big muscadine tree in my backyard and I noticed some black on the trunk and some of the bark is easy to pull off. Last year in May it was dropping grapes. This is a very large tree. What do you think I should do?
Is the black powdery or soot-like in nature? It could be sooty mold, which is often an indication of pests. I would treat it with neem oil to both rid the plant of the pests and sooty mold problem.
I've got a muscadine vine that was planted about 8 years ago. It's about 4 feet tall and covers an area about 6 feet around. I want to move it to a larger area (out of the yard) so I can string some wires between two posts and run the vines so they'll grow along the wires. (I'll have to prune a lot, too.) I plan to get a big root ball, and I know it'll take some digging. But would it be OK to go ahead and transplant it this spring, or should I wait until it goes dormant this fall?
It should be ok to go ahead and transplant now during spring, but just be sure to keep it well watered. This article will give advice to help avoid transplant shock: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/learn-how-to-avoid-and-repair-transplant-shock-in-plants.htm
My Muscadine vine is bleeding. I think I pruned it too short or too late. How can I stop it from bleeding and can I save it?
Sap is normal following pruning and will eventually stop on its own. Make sure to give it some extra water and fertilizer to help keep its health up. But as long as the vine looks ok overall, I would not worry too much. If it makes you feel more at ease, you can treat the vine with Neem oil, which is a safe and effective fungicide/insecticide that should help guard against these issues while it heals. For future reference on pruning, this article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/grapes/pruning-muscadine-grapes.htm
I have 2 muscadine vines. They are 4-5 yrs old. One has died and now the other one is. What's killing them? Leaves started turning yellow and now brown.
I can't tell you what's killing them, but I can give you some ways to evaluate the situation, possibly figure out what the problem is, and where to go for analysis.
The first thing is to look at the maintenance of the grapes, to see if they are missing something that they need. Plants that are healthy are much less likely to contract disease, so it follows that a sickly plant may well have some cultural deficiency. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/grapes/growing-grapevines.htm
After that, look at the leaves, the stems, the soil for descriptions of common diseases and pests: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/grapes/treating-grapevine-problems.htm
If you still don't clearly see the problem, take some samples of leaves, stems and soil to the nearest county extension service, where they will be able to advise you. This link will help you locate the nearest one: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/info/what-is-extension-service.htm
Can a muscadine vine be saved if it's cut completely off at the base? The guy cutting my trees cut off a few muscadine vines not knowing what they were and, honestly, I didn't know they were there. I have a few growing wild on my property and wanted to try and save these because they are old and big.
Muscadine is pretty resilient and it will regrow, even if cut to the base.
Here is a link to an extension article that might interest you on propagating muscadine vines from cuttings: https://bit.ly/1JH3lsC
For more information on the care of muscadine grapes, please refer to the following articles:
Can I cut my muscadine grapes at the base and start over? They are a tangled mess and are pulling down the support posts. Skk
Yes, here is an excellent article.
The last paragraph will pertain to your circumstance.