What is the most inexpensive way to conserve moisture in veggie garden? Would covering ground with newspapers help, as I live on limited budget?
Newspaper does work well, though you will need to keep it moist and shredded is better. A mulch of grass clippings or shredded leaves will retain moisture and reduce weeds. Other good options for mulch in the veggie garden include shredded bark or straw. Here is an article that you may find helpful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/info/whats-the-best-mulch-for-my-garden.htm
Put mulch in flower beds last year, now mushrooms coming up everywhere. This is worse then having weeds. Is there anything I can do? If not, is there a better form of mulch? I worked so hard and I am so disappointed with the results.
I am sorry the mulch is not working out as you hoped. Normally mushrooms occur where the ground is staying too wet. If you are using a sprinkler system, you may want to consider watering in long once a week spurts (which will let the top of the mulch dry out some) rather than short daily spurts. You can also treat the areas with mushrooms with fungicide. This will kill the mushrooms. If it helps, mushrooms are a sign that the soil is very healthy.
I have 10 flowerbeds and lots of trees - have a vacuum/leaf grinder. Can I use this to create mulch for the flower beds? If so, how thick should I mulch?
Ground up leaves make a superb mulch. You'll want to mulch twice a year, less (a couple inches) in spring, and 4 - 6 inches in fall. Here's some general mulch information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/info/whats-the-best-mulch-for-my-garden.htm
and a couple of articles on leaf mulch:
I need 680 lbs. of black glass mulch. I live in the San Francisco Bay area and am not able to find it here. Several places in other states will ship it, but the prices are exorbitant. Do you know of any place I could purchase it closer to where I live?
I would suggest using a search engine and use "buy black glass mulch in San Francisco Bay area". This should help you find sources.
I was told tea tree mulch could poison my pet dog and cat if in contact with this mulch.
I can't find anything in the literature that suggest tea tree (melaleuca) mulch is poisonous to dogs and cats. Tea tree oil in high concentration can be dangerous; this may be how the tree mulch became associated with toxicity. The only mulch that is consistently listed as toxic is cocoa-shell mulch. Of course, any kind of wood mulch that is ingested frequently by a dog can make them sick; if you have a dog that just won't leave the mulch alone, you might want to consider preventing them from reaching the mulched area, or using large river stone mulch (even small gravel can cause damage to a dog if it's swallowed.) I did see one dog-breeder forum that recommended using tea tree mulch. This article has some more general information on mulches that might be useful to you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/info/whats-the-best-mulch-for-my-garden.htm
I just landscaped my front sidewalk with shrubs. I used pine fine mulch and peat moss to amend the soil first, and after I planted I covered the area with chocolate mulch. Now I see hundreds of bugs flying around the mulch. They look like mosquitoes, but not sure what they are or how to get rid of them. Are they possibly termites? If so, what have I done? Hope I haven't created a bad situation for my house.
They are likely either midges or fungus gnats. You can treat the mulch with a fungicide and get rid of them quickly or you can just lay off watering for a little while to allow the mulch to dry out some and this will take care of them as well.
How to mulch or cover an area that is currently grass/mud so that my dogs can use it to potty safely? I have a small front yard area (it used to be grass) that has deteriorated since we have four rescue dogs who use it in the morning to potty. I would like to mulch it or use some kind of ground cover that is safe for them, but am not sure what material to use. I am considering pine mulch. The area is about 8 ft x 24 ft. Can you offer any alternatives, or is the pine mulch safe? They are all adult dogs.
Below is an article on pet safe mulch that will be helpful to you. It may even cause you to reconsider mulching your dog area given that dogs can choke on mulch or have an allergic reaction to it. Mulch may also not be very gentle on your dog's paws. If you do decide to pursue the mulching route, here is a cool mulch calculator that you can use to figure out just how much you need: http://www.landscapecalculator.com/calculators/mulch
I have read that perennial ryegrass is ideal for dogs to run on because it grows low, fills in fast, and recovers quickly.
Here is the article on pet safe mulch: