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Mulch Problems

Q.Mushrooms in Mulch

Anonymous added on May 25, 2014 | Answered

Put mulch in flower beds last year, now mushrooms coming up everywhere. This is worse then having weeds. Is there anything I can do? If not, is there a better form of mulch? I worked so hard and I am so disappointed with the results.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 25, 2014

I am sorry the mulch is not working out as you hoped. Normally mushrooms occur where the ground is staying too wet. If you are using a sprinkler system, you may want to consider watering in long once a week spurts (which will let the top of the mulch dry out some) rather than short daily spurts. You can also treat the areas with mushrooms with fungicide. This will kill the mushrooms. If it helps, mushrooms are a sign that the soil is very healthy.

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