We have planted morning glories in an indoor container for the first time. We started with three shoots and the vines have grown very well, climbed and intertwined as expected. However, they hardly seem to flower. We will get one flower, it will last a day and drop off and a few days later we will get another one. They seem to be growing on different vines, but it's hard to tell from the intertwining. Additionally, we seem to be getting loads of seed pods. Having only ever planted outside, we've never noticed this before. At current count I have 4 seed pods developing, and I've taken 3 off this week. Is there anything I can do to encourage more flowers, and less seeds?
Morning Glories need full sun.
If the vines are producing seed pods they are spending energy on forming the seeds. Remove the seed pods to encourage more blooms.
Here are a few links with more information on growing Morning Glories.
My morning glories have been subjected to an unusually rainy season. The vines are getting brown and growth is thinning. The leaves and flowers seem ok at the top of the plant. Can I save them?
Morning Glory can tolerate many soil conditions but soggy soil can be a big issue. The roots can perish from root rot.
I would trim it back and see if it can recover.
You may want to use Neem Oil on the plant to help it stay pest and fungus free while it is stressed.
Here are a few links for you.
Morning Glories in a pot are looking good on top but shabby in the lower stalks. I've trimmed the vines at the top to control growth and I'd hoped to bolster new growth so the potted vine would stay green and full from bottom to top. What can I do to generate growth in the lower part of the vine?
Keep the plant dead headed to encourage growth and keep it from putting energy into seeds.
Adequate water especially if the temperatures are above 85 degrees. You will need to water twice a day for these warm temperatures.
You could give it a light dose of fertilizer but look for a balanced fertilizer. 5-5-5 would be fine.
Here is a link to refresh you on the care.
I'm in Minneapolis. For years we've planted and enjoyed Heavenly Blue morning glories (from small plants, not seeds) but in the past three summers, most of the plants (five of six) produced the small purple and pink flowers which aren't what we want. None of the nurseries have an explanation for this situation and I can't see any similar complaints on the web.
You may want to test your soil. Morning glories like soil pH slightly acidic to slightly alkaline (6.0 to 7.5). Acidic soil (pH below 7) may encourage purple/pink blooms in some plants; alkaline (pH above 7), blue.
For more information on morning glories, please visit the following link:
Happy gardening!
My morning glory plant has white cotton like pests on the vines and the plant is slowly drying up. How to treat it and to prevent it from happening after the treatment? I look forward to your reply and thank you. Regards Serina
This could be Mealybug.
Treat with Neem Oil, this works as both an insecticide and fungicide.
Remove any dead material and dispose of.
Here are a few links for you with more information.
I have a morning glory plant that has white cottony pests and is now drying slowly. Can you still treat it or do I have to up root the plant? If it can be treated, then how, and how to prevent it after treating it? I look forward to your reply and thank you. Regards Serina
This is likely an infestation of Mealybugs. You can treat with Neem Oil, it is safe for people, pets and bees!
Treat the plant weekly until you banish the pests.
This is my second season growing morning glories. They look like they are doing great, then all of a sudden the leaves start getting yellow specks, then spreading to the whole leaf. It starts mostly at the base of the plant. Also, every afternoon the plant starts wilting. I read that they don't like a lot of water, but they wilt up everyday.
Morning Glory plants will show sun wilt in the warm summer days. They will recover each night.
The yellow specks could be insects or fungus issues. Treat with Neem Oil as it works as both an insecticide and fungicide. It is also safe for people, pets and bees.