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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Morning Glories not blooming

Zone Southern Ontario, Canada | NikkiH added on July 10, 2015 | Answered

We have planted morning glories in an indoor container for the first time. We started with three shoots and the vines have grown very well, climbed and intertwined as expected. However, they hardly seem to flower. We will get one flower, it will last a day and drop off and a few days later we will get another one. They seem to be growing on different vines, but it’s hard to tell from the intertwining. Additionally, we seem to be getting loads of seed pods. Having only ever planted outside, we’ve never noticed this before. At current count I have 4 seed pods developing, and I’ve taken 3 off this week. Is there anything I can do to encourage more flowers, and less seeds?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 12, 2015

Morning Glories need full sun.

If the vines are producing seed pods they are spending energy on forming the seeds. Remove the seed pods to encourage more blooms.

Here are a few links with more information on growing Morning Glories.


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