I water them about every five days. They are in the ground and get afternoon sun. I have flowers, but the leaves are drooping and yellowing. What to do?
You need to check the root system and give it more fertilizer
My neighbor has grown morning glories exclusively for years in all his flower beds and they've been beautiful, but he's had problems since mid-summer with they dying in great patches. I thought he might have depleted the soil of required nutrients since he's never fertilized them, but I thought I'd better find out more from the experts since I don't grow. Can you help with any suggestions? I really enjoy them on our fence and would like to help. Thank you.
It may be a watering issue. Morning Glory's actually like a well drained moist soil.
Here is a few links for you.
First, I want to say I think the Morning Glory is a beautiful flower BUT very invasive. My problem is the plant belongs to my neighbor. It grows under my porch into my hot water heater, under my hot tub and has gone so far as to grow under my house and inside it as well, into my bedroom and living room. I have talked to my neighbor and she won't do anything to control it and has said kill it if I want.
I agree with you, beautiful but a very invasive plant!
Here is a link to help you.
We planted seed a few years ago. Apparently, they are the sort that reseed themselves. They are a small bloom and very dark. I like the big, bright blue ones. How do I get rid of the dark purple one that seems to crowd out the new seeds I planted last spring?
You are not alone with the issue of invasive Morning Glory Vines, the link below will help you.
I would like to use a live crepe myrtle tree for a climbing frame for the morning glories. Will the morning glory growth kill the crepe myrtle tree? The tree is about 12 ft high and very ugly with little flowers on it.
It would not be recommended to use the Crepe Myrtle tree as the trellis for Morning Glory.
Here are some links with more information.
Do I need to trim the old growth off of my morning glory plants from last season?
Yes, pruning in the spring to promote new branching.
Here is an article that will help you.
My vines are over five feet tall but I have no flowers. What needs to be done?
There can be a few reasons for lack of flowers on your vine.
This article will help you pinpoint the cause.