Can I grow bibb lettuce in a 6 inch pot?
That would be tough to do, but possible. You would need to make sure that the plant gets enough water and in a pot that small, you may find yourself watering several times a day.
I want to grow iceberg lettuce, corn, green beans, pinto beans, big tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, onions, green onions, cucumbers, cabbage, cilantro, jalapenos, red chili peppers, habanaro, seedless grapes, basil, sage, melon, cerlery, strawberries, rosemary, sunflower, and broccoli. Could you please help me in putting together these plants for a companion garden? Not sure if I would need 3 or 4 different medium-size square foot gardens. What square footage would I need to fit all these plants?
Give Square Foot Gardening: A New Way to Garden in Less Space with Less Work by Mel Bartholomew a read. The author explains what to start planting and when and how to efficiently organize your garden into square foot areas, including their size. Another good read is Lasagna Gardening by Patricia Lanza. This book is one of my favorites. It’s extremely detailed and informative, packed full of useful tips, and written in easy-to-understand terms for the beginner. Both books will be invaluable resources for your square foot vegetable garden.
I have Red Sails lettuce growing in pots indoors under grow lights and planted in Miracle Grow potting soil. The problem is that it keeps wilting before the leaves start to turn red. At first I had a batch that I over watered, and they developed root rot and all died. I watered it when the leaves were wilting. I have a new batch that I let the soil dry out before I water it. Every time I water, it starts wilting. The temp is around 68-70 degrees, sometimes around 72. Could it be bolting? All of the outside leaves had died on the Romaine, and what little leaves are left, are long and skinny. It keeps growing more in the middle, making it taller. All my other herbs and chard are doing great. Could it be the temperature?
I don't think it is bolting. How are you watering it? From above or below? If you are doing it from above, I would try watering from below instead. Also, don't let the soil dry out completely before watering. It should just be dry to the touch on top. If you stick your finger into the soil, it should still be damp. This is the correct time to water it.
I have recently sown lettuce seeds, which were pre-mixed with vermiculite. I have since discovered that some vermiculite still contains asbestos. Is this correct?
As long as the vermiculite was purchased recently, as in the past few years, there is no concern about asbestos. The asbestos was found in vermiculite harvested several years ago and would not be in today's supply.
I want some good tasting veggies. What can I do? Also, want carrots and pumpkins.
Rule of thumb is for vegetables where you eat the leaves, you want something that has a slightly higher nitrogen (the N in NPK) and for vegetables where you eat the fruit, you want something with a slightly higher phosphorous (the P in NPK).
How close to the base of the plant can leaves be harvested?
If you are harvesting with the intention of harvesting lettuce from the plant again, I would leave 1-2" at the base on the plant.
I have planted a garden this year and something is doing substantial damage to my plants. I had lettuce, squash, and now pepper plants, literally plucked off at the stems. I originally was thinking moles, as it almost looks like something has pulled the plant down from the bottom, and I do have some confirmed mole activity. I put two traps down and have not had any success. I do have a lot of squirrels. Is this what is doing it? No deer tracks, and the garden is closed (fenced off) so rabbits should be very unlikely. Any ideas?
If moles or squirrels are a problem, these articles should help:
It could also be slugs. This article will help determine if slugs are a problem, and if so, what to do: