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Questions About Hibiscus Plants

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  • Answered by
    Heather on
    November 25, 2010
    Certified Expert

    Try neem oil. It is safe for pets and people and "good" bugs but kills almost all pests. Here is more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/pesticides/neem-oil-uses.htm

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  • Answered by
    jinijose_v on
    November 26, 2010

    Always try to clean up the plant. What I do is wash the plant with spray of water. Also remove existing soil, wash the roots with water and put new potting soil. you can also spray neem oil

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  • Answered by
    Heather on
    November 30, 2010
    Certified Expert

    It is in shock. They need to be acclimated when brought inside. This article will help with that for next time:


    It should recover just fine. These plants are prone to losing lots of leaves indoors in the winter anyway, and always come back from that. Keep it correctly watered and you should see new leaf growth.

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  • Answered by
    Heather on
    November 27, 2010
    Certified Expert

    Hardy hibiscus does not need any winter protection in your area and should not need any special protection.


    This article will help with pruning:

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  • Answered by
    Heather on
    November 30, 2010
    Certified Expert

    If they are not blooming, they are either not getting enough light or not enough phosphorus. If the plant is lush and green with no blooms, it is likely lacking phosphorus. Give the plant some bone meal to supplement it. If the plants grow slowly and seems sparse, it is likely light and they will need to be moved to a brighter location to bloom.

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  • Answered by
    Nikki on
    November 29, 2010
    Certified Expert

    While overwintering indoors is always preferrable, especially for tropical varieties, one of the best ways to protect outdoor hibiscus that are planted in the ground is to mulch over the root zone and around the main stem of the plant. For additional protection (such as when extreme temps are expected), wrap the entire hibiscus in heavy frost cloth, tarp, or burlap. And yes, it definitely helps to prune back the plant but only AFTER winter, as the foliage will help insulate the plant. Here is an article that you may find helpful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/hibiscus/tips-for-pruning-hibiscus-plants-when-to-prune-hibiscus.htm

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  • Answered by
    Nikki on
    November 29, 2010
    Certified Expert

    This is a common issue with hibiscus plants. The following article should be of some help to you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/hibiscus/answers-to-what-causes-hibiscus-leaves-turning-yellow.htm

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