I have a Heather plant and I was told it is easy to duplicate but I don't see how. Does it have seeds? Where? Or when? The little bell shape flower is very small. Can we see the seeds? I really would like to do that. Thank you.
Heather seeds are very small and can be difficult to grow. Layering and cuttings are the easiest way to propagate this plant. This link will help (simply click on the questions for seeds, layering or cuttings for more info): https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/heather/propagating-heather-plants.htm
Is there a best time to relocate heather in the garden without causing damage to the plants?
Early to mid-spring, before growth begins and after trimming them, is a good time for transplanting in cooler climates like yours. Those in the South may benefit from fall transplanting. Be sure to get as much of the root ball as possible, and keep them well watered after moving them.
Will it grow outdoors in NW Louisiana (Shreveport) ? I got it as a gift and it is indoors but appears to be doing poorly. I am keeping it watered but not wet and I am misting it. It bought it would not take high heat and it has already been eighty a few days.
Italian Heather is hardy in zones 10 - 11. In your area, zone 8a, it would not likely winter over in the ground.
It can however grow outdoors in a pot and be moved in for the winter months.
Here is a link with care information.
Received a heather plant as a gift. Where and how to plant in garden Need sun or shade. thx AT
This article will help you.
I grew two beautiful Mexican Heather plants in a rock garden. The problem is that they have gotten too big for the space that is next to the deck. I don’t mind that they spill over the deck but rather that they have started to overrun other plants that were planted approximately 2 feet from them. I don’t know how or if I can trim them back or if now is a good time to do it. I believe that I’m in zone 8B (northern Florida) and still experiencing hotter temperatures. I’ve read anytime is good in this area except right before the frost (generally Jan-Feb) but they are currently well filled out with lots of flowers. Can you enlighten me on how and when is good to prune?
The best time to prune is in the spring, in this case. I would wait until then. Here is an article that will give you more information on the care of these plants: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/groundcover/false-heather/growing-mexican-heather-plants.htm
Is Mexican Heather safe from deer?
Deer will seem to eat anything. Even if it says deer resistant, you might notice deer still eating it. I have seen them eating things that they had no business eating.
Here is an article to give you ideas on how to keep deer out of your garden:https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/deer/deer-repellents.htm
I have just moved into a home with a large mound of heathers with many colors. They are beautiful, but need some maintenance. The mounds are from 1-3 feet high, with some dead areas as well. I hope that it does not need to be pulled out and started over. From what I read they should not be pruned back shorter than the green stems. Is that correct? I am thankful for any help that you can bring. thank you, Kathy Hamilton
Heather doesn't usually need any pruning at all, but if you are going to clean it up some, then you are correct. Here is an article that will give you more information on the plant: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/heather/growing-heather.htm