I just bought young 6 inch heather plants and would like to know if i cansplit each plant to cover more area. .
Absolutely! You will want to get the soil moist first, then gently pull them apart. This can be done pretty easily, as long as you are careful with them.
I had two large heathers,under my palm tree.One is lush and green,the other has over the past 3 weeks died off,only one green branch left.What can I do to save it. I live in Lake on the Isle of Wight. Regards Sue Morrison
Heather is very sensitive to moisture levels!
This article will help you.
I have a very old white heather, how hard can I prune it ?
You can only prune very lightly in early spring. Other than that I do not recommend pruning this. Pruning lightly on an older plant will likely help regenerate it though. Do not take more than a third of the plant at a time. Here is an article that will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/groundcover/false-heather/growing-mexican-heather-plants.htm
Is Heather a good plant to plant in a bed of daffodils and roses?
I cannot find any sources that would state that these have any negative reaction together. Daffodils are common companions for underplanting with roses, but heather doesn't seem to be on any lists. There will be no harm in trying, though. Usually if plants are incompatible, there is copious amounts of information that will state this. This leads me to believe that these will not react to each other in any negative way.
I have one plant which is a small shrub +- 24" high with white flowers. I also have couple of purple "heathers" that are ground cover type. I would like to get more of the shrub type but do not know which of the three it is and whether it comes with the magenta flowers. Can you help please Sheila
Erica carnea 'Ice Princess' is a common white Heather plant.
My heather plant is dead, in the middle, Can I save the plant???
You can prune away the dead plant material and see what you have left.
Inspect the plant for signs of pests or disease and treat accordingly.
No way it's deer. Fenced off yard.
Do you see bunnies in the neighborhood?