Where can I read about getting rid of bugs in a greenhouse?
This article will help you:
I am having a problem with my seedlings (in my greenhouse) dying. They are all starting to shrivel at the stem about an inch above the newly repotted soil. I transferred them into larger pots until I can transplant them into the garden. They were very healthy seedlings, but about one week after transplanting into the new pots, the stems just shrivelled up.
It sounds like they are damping off. This article will help you with that:
I'm trying to reinstall a greenhouse I previously dismantled, but realize I no longer know which side of the polycarbonate glazing is treated. Is there any way of telling which side is which, once you've removed the film which was initially attached, and remove it from the frames for storage? What is the likely outcome if I just replace the sheets any old way and hope for the best?
You might look closely at each sheet and see if there are any markings or sealant on the edges that would tell you they had been to the outside. Another way, but a real time consumer, is to place the panels against something like a sawhorse, lay newspaper underneath them for a while and take note of the ones where the news paper starts to yellow first, this may help but is not fool proof. You might try contacting the folks at this link and see if they have a good way to determine this, I know it is very important: http://www.greenhouses-etc.net/glazing/contact_us.html
We are having a problem with fungus gnats in the greenhouse. I can't get anything expensive to get rid of them. Is there anything I can use that's not too expensive? I have been using Gnatrol, but it's not working.
This article will help:
I'm thinking of getting a polytunnel that comes with a reinforced UPVC (PE) and UVI 150g/sm interwoven cover (greenish). Do you think it would allow enough light in the winter months? Or would I be better with a clear covering? Many thanks.
I think the first choice is better. Clear plastic may actually let too much light in and may heat up the area too much, killing the plants inside the hoop houses.
What is the ideal humidity for starting seedlings in a greenhouse?
Most seedlings like a humidity level of 50 to 70 percent. Higher humidity levels and poor air circulation can lead to fungal issues and other disease problems. If your greenhouse is too humid, you may want to consider running a small fan to help circulate the air.
I have a stand alone greenhouse with automatic vents. Every spring and summer it becomes infested with aggressive paper wasps. They tend to build their nests behind and under the planting beds so it is nearly impossible to see them until they are large. Any suggestions on how to deter them this year?
This article may offer some suggestions to help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/kill-wasps.htm