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Q.Greenhouse Polycarbonate Glazing

Anonymous added on March 18, 2011 | Answered

I’m trying to reinstall a greenhouse I previously dismantled, but realize I no longer know which side of the polycarbonate glazing is treated.

Is there any way of telling which side is which, once you’ve removed the film which was initially attached, and remove it from the frames for storage?

What is the likely outcome if I just replace the sheets any old way and hope for the best?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 19, 2011

You might look closely at each sheet and see if there are any markings or sealant on the edges that would tell you they had been to the outside. Another way, but a real time consumer, is to place the panels against something like a sawhorse, lay newspaper underneath them for a while and take note of the ones where the news paper starts to yellow first, this may help but is not fool proof. You might try contacting the folks at this link and see if they have a good way to determine this, I know it is very important: http://www.greenhouses-etc.net/glazing/contact_us.html


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