I would like a goldfish plant but have never found one in the nurseries or greenhouses around me. I am willing to grow one from seeds but can't even find the seeds. Do you know where I can buy a goldfish plant or seeds online?
You can try doing a search for local retailers and nurseries that carry this plant. You can also contact local garden centers, which may either carry it or know of someone who does.
I recently moved to Vermont, and left my goldfish plant outside for a week or so. When I looked at it closely the next time, I noticed slightly silvery or white patches on the leaves, of varying sizes. I figure I should prune the affected parts, right? But what is this? I don't know anything about the plant really or how to care for it, and only found out a few days ago what kind it is.
If you left it in the sun, the plant probably is sunburned. this article tell about caring for a goldfish plant: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/goldfish-plant/goldfish-hanging-plant.htm
I would like to have a goldfish houseplant but don't know where to get one. I live in Fort Worth, Texas and my son, who lives in Ft. Collins, Colorado, just bought a goldfish houseplant for his wife. If I get one, will it grow here or would I be wasting my money? I love plants but I read all the conditions for growing it, and I just don't know if it will work where I live. Please email me back, as I wait patiently for your response - and also what is the cost of this plant?
Here again are general growing instructions: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/goldfish-plant/goldfish-hanging-plant.htm
Since houseplants are kept in houses, the difference between Texas and Colorado are negligible.
However you (and your son) should be warned that these are extremely difficult plants for the home amateur to grow. If you want to keep one, you will probably need a large closed glass case in which you can control both light and humidity. If you want one, you would need to call around to the various plant stores, large and privately owned, to see if they have any, or would be willing to order you one. As a last resort, you could try ordering one online. Prices will vary.
I have just read how to care for my Goldfish Plant. It thrived in my office window that was bright light but not hot sun. My office moved, so I brought my plant home in November. As spring and summer came, I noticed that my plant stopped thriving and has lost all its leaves and now looks like an eaten grape stem. I want to save my plant. If I cut back the stems and move the plant, will I see new growth, or should I consider that the plant has died?
The Goldfish plant is a difficult plant to grow with lots of fussy growing conditions that can be difficult to attain in a home.
Here is a link with growing information.
We have five cats and two of them that love to eat and tear them up. I need to know if they are toxic to cats.
The ASPCA list's the Goldfish plant as non-toxic to cats.
My friend from Brazil sent me this photo and she doesn't know the name of this tree, as it was planted many years ago by her mother that unfortunately isn't alive anymore. My friend and myself would love to know the name of this tree as the flower looks like a fish. Many Thanks
Yes, it does look lke a fish, and in fact it's commonly known as the goldfish plant! The botanical name is Nematanthis gregarius. There are several varieties with slightly different flower color and shape:
I have a goldfish plant that is hanging in front of a south-facing window, over my kitchen sink, where it gets lots of moisture, and I only water it about once every 2 weeks. I have had it for several years, and it always flowered in spring/summer, except for last year, when it only produced 1 "fish". I took it down, cut it back and replanted it in fresh soil. It started producing "fish" in April 2017, and flowered all summer. The vines are very long, and I had to wind them back up into the plant, or cut them. I didn't want to cut them because I thought it would stop flowering, so some of the vines, if let down, would be about 6-8 feet long. For about a month, it seemed to be going dormant, then suddenly it started flowering again, even more abundantly than ever. I have friends who want cuttings. I don't have any photos yet, but plan to take some soon. My question: is it safe to cut the vines now or should I wait until it stops flowering?
You will want to wait. The reason I say this is because you are trying to get cuttings. The hormones responsible for flowering will inhibit rooting. So it would be best to wait until the blooms drop to do this. It would not hurt the vine, but would drastically decrease cutting success.