Q.goldfish houseplant
I would like to have a goldfish houseplant but don’t know where to get one. I live in Fort Worth, Texas and my son, who lives in Ft. Collins, Colorado, just bought a goldfish houseplant for his wife. If I get one, will it grow here or would I be wasting my money? I love plants but I read all the conditions for growing it, and I just don’t know if it will work where I live. Please email me back, as I wait patiently for your response – and also what is the cost of this plant?
Here again are general growing instructions: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/goldfish-plant/goldfish-hanging-plant.htm
Since houseplants are kept in houses, the difference between Texas and Colorado are negligible.
However you (and your son) should be warned that these are extremely difficult plants for the home amateur to grow. If you want to keep one, you will probably need a large closed glass case in which you can control both light and humidity. If you want one, you would need to call around to the various plant stores, large and privately owned, to see if they have any, or would be willing to order you one. As a last resort, you could try ordering one online. Prices will vary.