Is Fountain Grass suitable as a container plant? If so, how do you start it indoors?
Yes, Fountain Grass can be grown in containers. This article provides details:
To start the seeds indoors, place a moistened seed starting mix in small containers. Sow the seeds on the surface and cover lightly with the soil. Keep moist and provide with light. The seeds should germinate in 7-14 days. When large enough, transplant to a pot and harden off gradually before moving them outdoors.
I didn't cut back the fountain grass but watered it over winter; how far should i cut it now before putting outdoors in the same container.
Yes, you can prune back in early spring.
Here are some articles for you with more information.
Turns white winter, looks dead. How long does it take for it to come back, or is it dead. I was going to yank it, replace it, but needed to know if I should or not? It did great all last summer, planted in full sun. I'm in Albuquerque, NM.
The Fountain Grass should be pruned back in the spring.
These links will help you.
I live in Massachusetts. A landscaper planted Hamlin Fountain Grass. It has been 1 week since planting and the leaves are turning brown. We have had several nights in the 40's. Is the browning normal for new plantings?
Newly planted ornamental grasses need at least 1 inch of water per week, preferably in 2 waterings.
Make sure you water deeply and throughly at the base of the plants with a slow trickle hose.
Check the soil every 3 to 4 days, but poking down to about 3 inches deep. If it is dry, then water again.
The soil should dry between waterings.
Applying a few inches of mulch will help with moisture control and keeping the soil cool.
There may be a few older leaves that brown, but your plant should not be turning brown.
Ornamental Grasses do not need much fertilizer, but a newly planted grass can use a root stimulator fertilizer to help it become established.
Follow all packaging directions.
Our fountain grass grew very good, Spring to now, the flowers are dried out , can I cut the back about 5 inches or so and not hurt the plant, out themreture is about 110-115
If the leaves are completely tan-colored, the plant is dormant. It's fine to cut it back.
I asked my landscaper to prune some of my fountain grass since some was overgrown. Not watching he cut off all the pretty flower/fluffy white tails. Will these grow back now? I'm not happy on how they look and hope its comes back quick. Thank you for your help,
No, you will not likely have a 2nd flush of blooms this season.
I have purple fountain grass growing in a large crock with mums. My fountain grass went flat after 2 years (winter and summer) I live in South Carolina. I leave the grass outside in a crock year round. Should I be bringing the grass indoors?
Purple fountain grass is hardy down to zone 9, and South Carolina is in zones 7 and 8. And when you grow plants in pots, the roots are more exposed to cold and their hardiness is reduced even more. I would bring the crock indoors.
You can read more about purple fountain grass here: