I live in south central Kansas. I have two large clumps of fountain grass that I would like to split up and move elsewhere. Is this the best time to do that, or should I wait until spring?
The best time to transplant fountain grass is in the spring. The roots of fountain grass pretty much stop growing in late summer and they would not be able to grow enough new roots in the fall to establish themselves before winter came.
What is the proper way to trim fountain grass and firecracker plants? How many times a year should they be trimmed? My landscaper now is cutting the fountain grass short, straight across with a flat-top look. Is the the proper way? The firecrackers are being trimmed in order not grow tall but to drape over a wall. It is my understanding that he is doing this in order that they not grow tall and cut off the sprinkler heads.
Yes, many people do trim back their fountain grass and other foliage type plants this time of year. It is not required, but it help to maintain a healthy look for the plants. This foliage will die back in the winter anyway. Yes, when pruned it looks just like someone gave the plants a flattop buzz cut.
We have fountain grass in the front of our house and it has 'flowered'. I was just wondering if you need to trim off the 'flowers' when or if they die off? I was also wondering about transplanting. We need to relocate one of them, so how do I go about doing so?
Yes, you can go ahead and cut off the blooms but save any drastic pruning that it may need for late winter/early spring. This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/foliage/fountain-grass/fountain-grass-pruning.htm
Transplanting can be performed in early spring prior to new growth or after the growing season in late summer or fall.
Why didn't my ornamental fountain grass put up plumes in the fall?
I am not certain as I have not heard of this happening before, but I would recommend having the soil tested. I believe that the plants may be low on phosphorous or too high in nitrogen. This can cause a lack of flowering on other plants, which is essentially what happened here.
Should I 'cut back' fountain grass in the spring? I cut it back last year and it took a while for it to regrow. This year my husband said not to cut it back - and it doesn't look like it is doing anything.
This artilcle should help with that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/foliage/fountain-grass/fountain-grass-pruning.htm
If you burn down the fountain grass to within a couple inches of the ground, will it grow back? Is pruning or burning better?
Yes, it will grow back after burning and either method is acceptable. However, appropriate measures should be taken if choosing to burn and shouldn't be done when close to homes or other buildings. This article will help with pruning: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/foliage/fountain-grass/fountain-grass-pruning.htm
We live in New Jersey and planted fountain grass in the fall. So far there is no sign of life. Can we assume that it was killed off due to the long harsh winter we just had?
It likely was. There are several grasses sold as fountain grass. True fountain grass is not hardy in your area and would have died over the winter. When planting it in the future, make sure the variety of grass you buy is cold hardy in your area.