Hello. I have an Angel Plant that my late wife cherished. My wife passed away recently from a long battle with MS. One of the last things she did was care for an Angel Plant that, under her watch, flourished. It is about 18 months old now. Don't get me wrong I am not looking for sympathy. I just do not have a green thumb. I have been told that I could kill weeds by stepping on them. It is really important to me to try and keep the last living thing, besides me, she cared for alive. I have tried several things but it just keeps looking worse and worse. I have had several suggestions, including repotting, which I did and it did good for a week then started losing stems again. I have it in a kitchen window right now in southeast Texas. The same place she had it. I have even considered buying growing lights just to keep it alive. I would appreciate any help anyone has. I would not ask if it were not important. I can provide a picture if that will help. Thank you in advance.
I think I will need a picture. Angel Plants are a brand of houseplants, they are a wide variety of plants. Please attach a photo to this email and send it back and we will ID it and suggest care.
I have noticed a white insect crawling in the dirt of my indoor angel plant. I have washed it down using mild soap and water but it keeps coming back. I assume the white is the larva because I also see black flying insects around the plant. Please help on a organic method to kill this problem. Thanks. . .
It might be aphids. If so, this article might help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/homemade-aphid-control-a-natural-way-to-kill-aphids.htm
If you see something crawling around in the soil, it's probably fungus gnat larvae. This article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/children/fungus-gnats.htm
If it is fungus gnats, one of the most important things to remember, fungus gnats love, love, love wet soil. Let the soil dry some between waterings.
I am doing a science project for school and I was wondering how much I should water my exotic angel plants. I am watering them with different types of water and I just didn't know how much to water them.
Angel Plants are actually a brand that sells many unusual exotic plants. If you have the name of the specific type of plant, we can better give you advice on the kind of watering it needs. If you can't find the name, you can either send us a picture or describe it, and we should be able to identify it for you. That being said, most of the plants they sell need to be watered when the top of the soil feels dry to the touch. Also make sure that there is good drainage and that the plant is not in standing water.
Lowes sold this plant as Exotic Angel. They are potted and on the front porch facing west. They are very healthy. The flowers only stay open 24 hours and never open again. Others will open but no re-opening.
The Exotic Angel name is a brand name of a greenhouse, Hermann Engelmann Greenhouse Inc.
They grow over 400 varieties of houseplants.
Look for an additional tag that should have come with your plant. It should have the variety of plant you purchased.
It is not uncommon for some flowering plants to have blooms that last just one day.