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Q.Growing Dahlias in Colder Climates

Anonymous added on June 19, 2011 | Answered

I live in Zone 5 (Ohio) where our frost can go as late as the end of May and can start back up again in early October. I am interested in growing Dahlias, but I also know that they bloom late in the season and I am concerned that my growing season will be too short to see a significant amount of blooms. Do I need to start my Dahlias indoors in order to get blooms earlier? (I’m hoping to see consistent blooming by mid-late August) Should I just buy Dahlias that are listed as early bloomers (and does a list like that exist, or do I just comb through catalog descriptions)? Is this even a valid concern?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 20, 2011

Yes, you can start them indoors or simply buy the plants. This article will help with growing them: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/dahlia/tips-dahlia-planting.htm

You will also have to dig them up and store them over winter in your area.

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