What is the reason for yucca tips to start browning? I repotted a year ago, it receives proper light and water, but wasn't fertilized.
This is a sign that you are overwatering. You should only water these plants when the soil is mostly dry.
Live in Table View, Cape Town. Very windy and hot.
This is a sign that the plant is under some kind of water stress. Typically for yuccas, this would mean too much water but given your location, it may be too little water. Check the roots just to make sure there is not root rot (which would prevent the plant from taking up water) and if the ground is very dry, give it some supplemental water.
The leaves are going brown around the edges. Why is this? They are quite big now and I would hate to lose them.
This article will help:
If they are very large, I would suspect that they may be root bound, which would cause brown edges on the leaves. This article will help you determine if this is the case:
I have two yucca plants in pots. I live in northern Florida, and they are outside in full sun most of the year. We have had them inside due to cold temps, but now all the leaves are turning yellow from the bottom up.
This article will help you:
I have two indoor Yucca plants, and both have become very top heavy. Can I cut the trunks and replant the plants? The leaves on both plants are green and still growing, I don't want to do anything that will prevent them from growing more. I have stakes in both plants to keep them upright.
Yes, you can actually. This article has directions for doing that:
I have a yucca tree that i have had for 5 years. It has always done well in my nicely sunny living room. Recently, it started to look rather sickly, with the leaves wilting downward. There was 6 tree stalks in the same pot, so I thought that seperating them into 2 separate pots would help. That was 3 weeks ago, and so far it hasnt helped. I have begun treatment for bugs and fungus. As I read these blogs on yucca care, I read conflicting reports on over and under-watering. Can someone help. Am I over watering, or is it dehydrated?
The reason you have read conflicting advice on over and under watering is because they have the same effect on a plant. It can be confusing to determine.
But, with yucca plants, typically they are over watered because they are a desert plant and people tend to care for them too much. Water only when the first inch of soil is dry.
Even if you do properly water most of the time, one time over watering can cause root rot to set in and that will also cause symptoms like that. Here is more information on root rot: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/disease/treating-root-rot-gardening-tips-for-housplants.htm
I would look to either over watering or root rot as the issue at this time.
What and how often do I feed my indoor yucca plant?
A balanced fertilizer will work fine. Fertilize it about once every 3-4 months.