I have acquired caring for an indoor unhealthy arabica coffee plant. Its overgrown and has only had occasional watering for years. It is roughly 6 years old and was re-potted last winter. It is positioned near a window during warmer months and away from the window in colder months. Im certain it needs trimming and pinching as well as feeding. Being that this is October in northern Colorado, Im not sure when or where to begin to help this guy. Can you help me with a plan of action?
Sorry for duplicate pics! There are only supposed to be two different ones.
Hi I have an Azalea outside in the ground can I give it my leftover brewed coffee.If so do I Dilute?
Acid loving plants like azaleas can benefit from some coffee as a fertilizer. These articles should help
Hello, If I were to buy a lighting setup for growing a coffee tree indoors, how much output will I need for a LED grow light? How far above the tree will it need to be. For me I know it needs to be a boom style. I live in NW Indiana near Chicago. I have no south facing windows. Brett Rhoades
About 3,000-4,000 lumens would be good, but people have success with various different setups. LED lights stay cool, so they don't need to be very far from the tree. It is also a good idea to bring your coffee tree outdoors during the warm parts of the year to give it extra light. When outdoors, it should be in partial shade, and you should transition it outdoors gradually.
I've had a coffee plant for about a year. It's outside under dappled shade most of the year, except if frost is predicted. What is causing dark blotches on the leaves and a bit of yellowing of the veins? I'm told water with a high mineral content will cause leaching of nutrients and therefore I've been watering with reverse osmosis water and rainwater when available, using very small amounts of Miracle Grow when watering. What am I doing wrong? I can email a photo of the potted plant, but unable to with only this format of communication. I'd appreciate any information you can offer. What kind of fertilizer is best? How often? I have well water, full of minerals and not considered best, that it's more of an acid-loving plant. Any suggestions? Thank you, Gloria Warren 760-749-1113
A bright filtered sunlit area is good for a Coffee plant, soil should be moist, but not soggy.
Nighttime temperatures should be above 60 degrees F, or move the plant indoors.
During the active growing months you can fertilize with a liquid plant fertilizer at half strength, every other week.
Make sure to avoid overhead watering, this can cause leaf spot fungus and disease.
Make sure the plant has air circulation to help avoid fungus diseases.
These links have more information.
What color should the beans be when I pick them from my coffee plant before I roast them
They can be anywhere from green to white with a touch of tan. The more mature, the less green they will be.
My friend wants to get a plant but her problem is that there's no sunlight in her apartment because she's closed off with other buildings. Is there a plant that she can grow without sunlight?
There are plants that will tolerate a very small amount of light, but none that will grow without. You can try growing a small coffee tree, as they are deep shade plants, and will do well with little care. Plus they produce coffee, which you can roast yourself... This article will give you an idea of some shade tolerant plants: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/hpgen/indoor-plants-for-shade.htm
I am growing coffee plant in Naples,fl. I have 2 plants in a big plastic well drained container. i feed orchard food once a month. it is doing good except the leaves tune yello and brown. any suggestions to improve the growth?
This looks like Leaf Chlorosis.
This article will help you.