The tree is 15 years old. It looks like it is dying. What could be the cause? It has thrived until about 3 months ago, then went down-hill rapidly. I've grown other coffee trees from the beans. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Nothing has changed in his environment, neither position (east window) nor watering nor daily misting. It is always indoors.
This can happen if the temperature is too high. Has the temperature inside changed? Is there more sun coming in the window?
Has it been checked for pests such as spider mites or scale?
How long has it been since it has been repotted in fresh soil? If the roots are potbound, it becomes difficult for them to absorb the water and send it up the stems. That could account for the shriveled leaves. Even though you are watering the tree, it may not be getting the water. If it has been more than two years, I would go ahead and repot it, then next spring, prune it way back. Here is how:
I commend you on growing one inside for so long! That is quite a feat!
We have Kentucky Coffee Tree - concerned that it is getting into our foundation. can this be true?
Fifteen feet from the house is the generally accepted distance for planting trees. Kentucky Coffeetree is a large tree so you do need a large yard. I didn't find any source that said the roots were invasive though.
We had 2 ky coffee bean trees removed and tree stumps ground and removed , now we have the sprouts all over our yard and neighbors yard, used 24d to try to kill out but still coming up everywhere ,what do we do ?
This article may help for a similar situation:
Your local extension agent may have more information on an herbicide to use:
My coffee bean tree us almost 60" tall. There is another tree growing from the soil and I don't know if it is really a shoot from my tree and should be cut off or if it is separate and should be left alone to grow? It is a house plant.
It sounds like a root sucker and should be cut off.