small. should I replant in the ground or bigger pot?
You should only replant if you can pull the whole root mass out and the roots are encircling the container. If it is not root bound, there will be no need to change the container, as doing so while the plant is stressed will worsen the problem, unless absolutely necessary.
Unfortunately, your photo did not come through. I cannot see what needs to be done.
I can say that these plants are very susceptible to root rot. Any overwatering will lead to brown and yellow spotting, curling leaves, and other symptoms.
Here are some articles that will help:
My plant has little purple and white blooms on it
Yes, this sounds about right for Citronella Geranium.
Here is is an article that will help you with their care:
I recently purchased two citronella plants from Home Depot and one of them has started turning brown at the leaves. I water it once a day and I do have it out in the sun. Could it be that there is too much sun or too much water. I have uploaded pictures.
I would cut back on the watering and see if that helps. You don't need to water it every day. Let the soil dry out between waterings. When grown outside, it is fairly drought tolerant. Also, check the drainage. Do the pots have several drainage holes? Geraniums don't like wet feet. If water is not draining well, that could be a death sentence.
They like about 6 hours of sun a day, so it probably isn't getting too much.
Here is more care information.
I live in Arizona and my air went out for about 4 days and got really hot both inside and outside.. Now my plant is very wilted and hanging.. How do I save it? It's not very big only 3 leaves maybe 5" in a pot.
Are you growing it indoors? If so, it needs more water than outside. And it needs a lot of light whether inside or outside. A plant that small doesn't need a big pot; that will cause it to get too much moisture.
If you think it was overwatered and is getting root rot, go ahead and repot it in fresh potting mix and a clean container.
wilting (I watered right after potting and this morning as well) - any suggestions on how not to kill it? Are there tips on transferring from rooting in water to planting? Thank you!
It is sometimes hard for a plant to make the transition from water to soil. Water roots are more delicate than soil roots and can easily be damaged when planted in soil. Since the roots are used to continuous water, keep your soil moist for a few days till your plants are able to grow new "soil" roots.
Cut off some of the top foliage so the plant will direct its energy to producing roots. You can use those cuttings to produce more plants in case this one doesn't make it. :)
In the case of water rooting, once the roots are 1/2 to an inch long, you can move them to soil.
I purchased this plant very late in the season. It is in a sunny window and I Love the smell! It is very leggy and I would like to know it is okay if I trim it back??? Maybe 1/3 back? The base of the plant is already woody. Thank You, Georgia
Sure! You can, absolutely, cut them back. These articles will help:
Hi. As recommended, I kept the soil at an acceptable moist level. Only some of the bottom leaves are affected. In the area where I stay, it has been raining the past few days. Could it be the weather? Also, when I touched the leaves (in general), it feels dry. Do advise me on what I can do as I am new to gardening. Your reply would meant a lot! Regards, Murphy
This looks to be the start of nutrient deficiencies! There are a few ways to correct this, but the best way will be to put it into a slightly larger container with fresh soil. This will give the plant room to mature further, and give it a boost of fresh nutrients.
These articles will help: