There is a strange,bright green plant material growing in a mound right in the fork at the base of the trunk. It doesn't look like new leaves,because there are no stems. Is this some sort of parasite? The plant has been indoors for about 7 weeks. It hasn't happened on past citronella plants I've had. Thanks.
This is a signal that the soil pH might be getting a little on the alkaline side. I would add a little iron sulfate to the soil to bring that down some, and them some dolomitic lime to keep that stable for awhile. This is very odd, but it tends to happen in soils high in clay content- I.E. non potting soils. This will be easy to correct, and if you catch it this early will not cause any further issue.
Here is an article to refresh you on their care:
Zone 9, citronella geranium. My plants are not bushing, but growing straight up. Potted them in the fall. I brought them inside for the winter. I feed every two weeks, now they are back outside. Do I punch them back? If so how much?
Yes, prune back long, leggy mosquito plant stems any time of the year. Cut or pinch the stems back, leaving at least three sets of leaves.
As the plant grows, pinch back stems to keep them at about 4 to 6 inches in length. This will keep your plant bushy and healthy.
I am successfully growing citronella plants in my garden . I started with two small plants and in 18 months I have made hundreds of plants from them ,their branches are so thick I believe its what I am applying in my soil. ASK me ,I will be happy giving the tips. I gladly could provide images in a near future
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Probably not. It is hard to say without seeing the damage, but that is not something that citronella plants do, naturally.
This article will help you to care for citronella plants:
it? Do you water while plant a slewing for winter
These do not experience a dormancy. Putting them through one will kill it off. Make sure to provide bright light, with a southern window or horticultural lamp and treat it as if it were still in the growing season.
This article will help you to care for the plant:
Your photo did not come through, but is sounds like one of them sustained root damage.
I'm not certain if you mean Citronella Geranium, or Citronella Grass. Both are called "Citronella Plant" but I will include articles for both.
Do I need to do anything when my citronella flowers ?
No, just let them do what they do! If you would like, once they fade, it can be a good time to trim them.
Here is an article to help you with their care: