I have two Citronella plants. They were very healthy, but lately there are brown spots on their leaves. What is this and how do I fix it?
Are you using regular tap water? if so, it could be the chlorine in that causing your problem. They need to have good drainage and should be allowed to dry out between waterings. They like a high nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer for optimum growth. Citronella don't have a lot of insect pest problems, so I don't think that is what's causing the problem.
I have a citronella plant that I started in a pot and it is in the house. it is getting so big and would like to know where and how to trim it back. As I was reading about this plant, I did not know that it would flower and this is the third one that I had. Since the other 2 I had, all I did was water and never saw the flowers. I really want to know more on this. I know how to trim roses. Is this done the same way?
Depending on how the citronella plant is growing, it may be possible to divide it. If you are growing Pelargonium 'citrosum', which is the geranium that smells like citronella, you can look to see if you have multiple plants. This plant grows in rosettes, and each plant is its own rosette. You can separate these rosettes and repot them each in their own container.
If your are growing Cymbopogon, also called lemon grass or citronella grass, this can just be divided as you like.
Both plants respond well to pruning as well. You just cut back the plant by about a 1/3, and it does not matter much where the cuts are made.
Roses are a different matter though. This article will help you with pruning those:
I wintered over a lovely citronella (mosquito) plant; it's showing signs of fatigue. Can I safely re-plant with new potting soil mix NOW, or should I wait? Should I choose a larger pot? It also wintered over last year, and was such a lovely, robust plant by summer that I can't bear to let it die--so I brought it in again this year. How long might citronella plants live?
This time of year, all plants that are overwintered to simply survive look a little pathetic. Repotting won't help right at this moment to improve how it looks. Try to get it more light and humidity. Water it only when the soil feels dry to the touch at top. Then, acclimate it (https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/hpgen/move-houseplant-outside.htm) to move back outside as soon as the weather allows. Even if it looks really ragged by the time it moves back outside, it will bounce back quickly and look beautiful in no time. In short, wait to repot as it will not help now.
I have several citronella plants that just today started to droop over/heavily lean. The plants are in pots, receive a lot of sun and are watered. What could this be? Do I just need to prune them?
This is a very common growth pattern and can easily be remedied by cutting back the plant.
Here is a link to the care of scented geranium.
I have a Citronella plant that the leaves have white spots and are turning brown at the leaf ends. What can I do for the plant? I have followed the directions for the hours of sunshine and shade for this plant. There are no insects on the plant.
It sounds like a fungus and can be treated with a fungicide.
You can cut back the effected areas of your plant and remove from the garden.
Wash tools you use before using again in your garden.
Here are a few links.
I recently bought two citronella plant. I put it on the balcony and watered once a day according to the person I bought it from. However, after two days, it has fallen over. How do I fix it? Is it lack of sun? Or I didn't water enough? Please help, I am so sad.
It appears to be either over watered or under watered. I am going to guess that the plant is in a container outside and that it has proper drainage, so it is likely under watered. Soak the whole container in a tub of water for 20 minutes, then make sure you are watering at least once a day, 2X a day in temps over 85F.
Can I cut back a leggy, potted citronella plant? Just a leggy potted plant. Has never been pinched/cut back.
Yes you can trim it back.
Cut it back to a group of leaves as far down as you would like.
You can propagate the cuttings.