Can you recommend a product from Lowe's or Home Depot that will effectively get rid of Chickweed?
Chickweed Control, Weed Shot and Weed-B-Gon will kill chickweed. This article should also help:
I have recurring chickweed growing back in my flower bed every year and it's taking over. What can I use to get rid of this that will not hurt my flowers when I plant them? I have tried pulling them out and digging and even rototilling the flower bed, but they still keep growing back.
Thss article will help you with that:
After planting your flowers, apply a seed germination inhibitor, like preen. this will keep any seed started weeds from being able to grow.
I have patches of chickweed coming up in my lawn. How do I get rid of it?
This article should help with that:
If I pour boiling water on my chickweed to kill it, will it kill my plants too if boiling water touches them?
Yes, boiling water will kill any plant that it comes into direct contact with, so if you are planning to use this to kill your chickweed, then take care not to get any on your other plants. For additional ways to kill chickweed, this article will help:
Every year I cannot get rid of it. Please help, I have tried everything.
This article will help you with that:
Chickweed. Nasty. Must be removed before seeding - and this monster is very quick at seeding! If you are not fussy, and depending on where the infestation is, weed-killer is a solution provided welcome plants are not affected. However, my solution is called getting on your hands and knees and picking the plants out - roots can sometimes be deceptively deep. And you need the root out as if left, it usually raises up again. Someone once suggested soapy water, but for me this only does for washing hands - and sometimes feet! Cheers from Squadronleader.
Would solarizing garden beds help to get rid of chickweed?
This article will help with getting rid of chickweed:
Thank you for the info. Tomato plants are "toast" because of viral fungus but the area where they were planted is overcome with chickweed - the perennial because of all the rain we've had. So I thought that "solarizing" the soil would "bake" the chickweed. What are your thoughts?
Hope this article answers your question:
Last September I had a new lawn laid. The old one was removed. We also put new topsoil and rotivated before laying the new lawn. It's taken well and we have cut it many times. I have noted that I Cut the lawn last week and it looks well. When the rain is due, I am going to feed with a good fertilizer, but not weed killer in the feed, just to help the roots so it will green and grow. But I have noticed that the new lawn has got some chickweed in the new lawn. I am pulling it up but notice quite a lot. I have never had chickweed in my lawn before and I am not sure how to get rid of it. I am disappointed with the chickweed and want to get rid of it very quick, as I like a good lawn. Can you help me and advise me what to treat with? I do not want to kill any part of my lawn.
This article may help: