My fig tree has developed yellow leaves. What is the problem?
This article should help you:
Why are the leaves of my Brown Turkey fig tree turning brown? I bought my fig tree 2 weeks ago, repotted it into an old alluminum dolly tub in a mixture of previously used shop bought potting compost and new shop bought compost. It's about 2 foot tall. The leaves are starting to turn brown (not spots). I've put it against a sheltered west wall, which gets the sun from early afternoon until evening. Hope you can help.
This is typically a sign the plant is not getting enough water. Being in a container, and a metal one at that, the plant needs to be watered 1-2 times a day in the summer. Increase water to your tree and hyou should see improvement.
The first year tree had fruit. Covered tree for winter, and in spring lost a good part of the tree. I pruned tree and let it bloom without figs. This year the tree is producing foliage but no figs. This tree is a Mission type. Then purchased a Brown Turkey, which had 4 figs on it. After they ripened, I picked them and do not see any more blooms.
This can happen for a number of reasons. Because you are seeing it on two different trees that were producing before you , I am apt to think it may be frost that is causing the problem. Light frost will kill the blossoms but not the leaves. I would keep it covered lightly, at least at night, later into the spring until all danger of frost is gone.
Also, try giving them a little bone meal. This will give them some phosphorous which will help increase blooming.
Beautiful, healthy fig trees (Zone 7 SC) that are 3 years old, one LSU gold, one LSU purple, and one Brown Turkey from the Clemson Extension. They are mulched and have mushroom compost; however, have not bore fruit. About 7-8 feet tall and all real beauties! Any suggestions?
This past winter was an odd and cold one for many parts of the country. While they have reached about the age of maturity for producing, if you had a late cold snap, this would have killed the fruit while it was still small.
The other possibility is that the plants have too much nitrogen. Have their soil tested. Too much nitrogen or too little phosphorus will cause them not to grow fruit.
I live in Nashville, Tennessee and have two Turkey Fig trees. One produces nicely and the other some fifty feet from the other does not produce. I want to move it closer to the other fig and into more sun. Do you advise this? The fig that needs to have more sun is 30 years old. The fig that produces is now 18 feet tall and I want the plant to be wider rather than tall. Please tell me how to accomplish this and not endanger the trees. I also have a little dwarf black fig that has not done well, any thoughts?
The older a plant is, the less likely it is to survive a move. With a tree that old, you would really want a professional to move it and even then they would not guarantee that the plant would survive. It may be better to try to get more light to the tree through other means, such as thinning the branches of near by trees a bit. Also, try a little phosphorus fertilizer like bone meal. It may be a lack of phosphorus that is keeping the tree from producing. Pruning at the top of the tree and any branches that are growing up (instead of out) will encourage the tree to grow wider.
What symptoms is the dwarf fig showing? Is it stunted, not producing, getting yellow leaves? Let us know and we can give further advice.
Can I do anything about it? It is Brown Turkey, it is in a container and it is about 6 years old. Can anyone help?
There is nothing that can be done for fig mosaic. in most cases, it is recommended that the plant be destroyed and replaced. I am sorry. :(
I received 8 brown turkey dormant fig tree cuttings and need to know how to get them to root so I can plant them. Thank you.
This article will help wtih planting cuttings: