What treatment can I use on my fern? We had it sitting out while we were paving, and it's turning yellow. It has a lot of new fronds coming, but they are also yellow. Will it recover on its own, or is there something I can do?
Most of the time, once you get it back to its environment it will soon recover. There are a few things you can do to help it along a little, though. Thrive Alive makes a product called B1. This will help the plant recover faster.
Here is a link for more information and the care of these ferns: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/birds-nest-fern/
Will a bird nest plant do okay in orchid soil/bark?
Actually, yes... This can be grown similar to an orchid. They are epiphytes just like orchids. This means that they, normally grow on other plants and trees in a semi-parasitic fashion. This article will give you more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/birds-nest-fern/birds-nest-fern-care.htm
The new sprouting of my bird nest fern dies just after sprouting, not growing to full size. Any ideas why? Thanks in advance for any feedback. Andrew
IT is likely that this is being overwatered. This article will give you more information on the proper care of these: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/birds-nest-fern/birds-nest-fern-care.htm
Tq. ☺️
Will try water less and see if the plant improves.
I have had (and lost) several birds nest fern plants. It seems that eventually they each succumbed to a slow sad death as I noticed and watched as the inner nest with the egg looking fronds darkened, dried, and eventually turned black. Due to the lack of new life ( the "eggs")being snuffed before they actually became leaves the whole plant then slowly died off. How can I prevent the death of the inner nest or "eggs". And is there any way of saving one who's inner nest is currently dead looking.
That soil is too thick, and holds too much moisture. They are likely rotting. These have a very specific growing environment. This article will give you more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/birds-nest-fern/birds-nest-fern-care.htm
I was given a Birds nest fern recently and there are pointy (not round spores on most of the leaves. Is this bad? How do I get rid of them? The prior owner thinks they can't be saved. Info please.
This article shows what spores should look like.
What you describe could be pests or disease.
I have hundreds of little white things on my ferns they are not mealy bug very small and oval what do I do?
It appears to be a Scale infestation.
Treat your plants with Neem Oil.
Here are some links with more information.
The plant looks like it needs to be in a larger pot, but I'm not sure if it likes the roots to be compacted. I would love to put it in a larger pot I have. Is this a good idea.
Although these are planted in container, they don't actually grow in soil in the wild. They are epiphytic, an grow on other tree species. It is not necessary to replant, as they will remain rootbound for a long time and will be ok with this. The best way to grow these will be to affix it to a host tree.
This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/birds-nest-fern/birds-nest-fern-care.htm