Q.The Bird’s nest fern is still in the pot it was given to me in. When should I plant it in a larger pot?
The plant looks like it needs to be in a larger pot, but I’m not sure if it likes the roots to be compacted. I would love to put it in a larger pot I have. Is this a good idea.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Although these are planted in container, they don't actually grow in soil in the wild. They are epiphytic, an grow on other tree species. It is not necessary to replant, as they will remain rootbound for a long time and will be ok with this. The best way to grow these will be to affix it to a host tree.
This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/birds-nest-fern/birds-nest-fern-care.htm