What causes the outer row/rows of leaves to get light in color? This doesn't happen on all species. My best light source is a large east window. I am fertilizing with Miracle Grow African Violet liquid plant food every three weeks. I use rainwater and water from the bottom.
The condition your African Violet leaves are experiencing is known as "bleaching".
It can be rectified by one of two ways:
1) increasing the amount of nitrogen in your fertilizer
2) reduction of light intensity or, if growing under fluorescent lighting, the length of day
Violets favor 12 hours of fairly bright light in an east window like yours or a south window with some filtering.
African Violets can be sensitive to many things, sunlight, watering, humidity, and fertilizing.
I believe the lighter leaf color you are describing could indicate they are needing more fertilizer.
Please read the attached article which give you very good instructions for a fertilizing schedule.
The leaves are curling.
How have you been watering it? African violets are very picky about how they are watered. Leaves can curl down as a response to being watered with too cold water. They can also curl down if they are over or under watered. You should apply water when the soil begins to feel dry and strive to keep the soil lightly moist at all times.
Broad mites might also be suspect (which reside on the underside of leaves), especially if the leaves feel somewhat brittle. For more information on broad mites, please visit the following PDF link:
Also, if it is exposed to temperatures below 60 degrees it will also respond by curling its leaves.
Lastly, I recommend a review of african violet care, which is found at the following article – be sure your care is meeting all of the african violet’s requirements, particularly with lighting:
Leaves are curling on my plant.
How have you been watering it? African violets are very picky about how they are watered. Leaves can curl down as a response to being watered with too cold water. They can also curl down if they are over or under watered. You should apply water when the soil begins to feel dry and strive to keep the soil lightly moist at all times.
Broad mites might also be suspect (which reside on the underside of leaves), especially if the leaves feel somewhat brittle. For more information on broad mites, please visit the following PDF link:
Also, if it is exposed to temperatures below 60 degrees it will also respond by curling its leaves.
Lastly, I recommend a review of african violet care, which is found at the following article - be sure your care is meeting all of the african violet's requirements, particularly with lighting:
My African Violet hasn't bloomed in over 3 years. It just keeps growing new leaves and getting a very long neck, but no blooms. I even tried to propagate a new plant by potting a leaf into a new pot, and the leaf is doing the same thing. What am I doing wrong?
Your violet looks to be reaching for light.
Here is a great article that will tell you all the needing care to get your plant blooming.
African Violets are a favorite of mine, my grandmother had nearly 30 plants when I was a young girl and I loved helping her tend them.
She always rotated the plants weekly to make sure they received even light.
I have an indoor African violet plant that has started to bloom (it was a gift). Does it bloom enough where I'll have to put it in a bigger pot?
The blooms on an African Violet will not increase the plant structure or root system.
Enjoy the flowering.
Dead head spent blossoms to encourage the buds to open.
Here is a link that will help you.
I received an African violet plant as a gift and the flowers have opened up, but how do I know when I need to change to a bigger pot (or do I need to)? Thank you!
African Violets have a small root system and do not need a large pot.
You may not need to repot for quite some time and when your plant starts to outgrow it's current pot choose a pot that is only 1 size larger.
They will not do well in a pot that is too large.
Here is a link about growing and care conditions.
Have purchased indoor plant without name. Abundance of small Violet shaped blooms, light blue-violet, says needs light but no sunlight. It is in a 3" pot.
That sounds like a kind of African Violet. Here is more information on their care: