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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Swiss Cheese Plant wilting and turning yellow/brown

Zone England | sdmoss added on January 5, 2017 | Answered

Two weeks ago I took ownership of a lovely large Swiss Cheese Plant. It had been with the same owner for sometime in a corner or a room with net curtains so not direct bright sunshine. When I picked it up it looked a bit more flat that these plants look like when they are thriving but took it with me anyway. I had to move it to a summer house briefly (two days) which is quite cold before bringing in to my house. It’s now indoors in a bright and fairly warm room; however, it looks sad, the leaves are wilting and curling and it is all drooping. I have been away for 2 nights and to be the leaves look like they are browning and yellowing at the edges. To me the soil seems moist, neither too wet or has dried out. What can I do to get this guy healthy again? I haven’t watered or fed it since I’ve had it as the soil seemed moist and dark.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!! 🙂

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 7, 2017

Certainly an environment and lighting change can stress a plant.
You mention that it was left in a cold area, how cold? Temperatures below 55 degrees can be damaging to your plant.
Cold damage can happen over a period of days or even weeks. This generally means you are in a wait and see stage.
This plant is happiest in a 70 degree F. environment.

Excessive and poorly draining soil can also cause wilting and root rot. Wilting and drooping can also be a sign of lack of moisture. The soil should be a good potting soil with a well draining container. Soil surface should dry slightly between watering.
It is always best to touch the soil instead of watering on a schedule.
Here are some links with more information.



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