Q.Swiss Cheese Plant
I’ve had a Swiss Cheese Plant for three years. last November all but one of the leaves turned yellow and dropped.
However, one stem and healthy leaf remains. Its been doing much better since but it hasn’t grown any new leaves. In the past during spring and summer it would sprout new stems and leaves all the time.
Is there anything i could do to encourage growth?
i think the leaves dropped due to lack of sun light but the plant has been in a much better spot for 4 months now with no change.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This does sound like it suffered from a lack of light. This can take awhile to recover, but it is best left alone until it starts showing signs of recovery. After it starts growing new growth, you will want to feed it with a half strength, all-purpose fertilizer. This will give it a jumpstart while it is in recovery.