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Cherry Tomatoes

Q.Sun gold cherry tomatoes

Zone Nashville, TN | Brian Fleger added on January 8, 2018 | Answered

This past summer I planted Sun Gold Cherry Tomatoes. I planted them in five gallon containers. I planted a total of five Sun gold cherry tomatoes. They seem to do very well. They grew to a height of eight feet tall, they blossomed and produced great tomatoes. Then one day one branch when limp (the leaves just curled up) and within two weeks the plant was pretty much dead. With most of my tomato plants I usually have at least three crops of tomatoes per plant, but with the Sun Gold only one crop. Is this normal or what could be the reason?

One of the Sun Gold’s plants starting to green at the base of the plant. I allowed to grow and kept it alive ( I live in Nashville/we have a long growing season). During the fall this plant grew to seven feet tall, blossomed and produced tomatoes.
Again, during Christmas one branch went limp and as of today (1/7/18) the plant is dead.

Can you please help me? I am not sure I will plant Sun Gold’s again. It’s a great tasting tomato!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 10, 2018

Without actually being able to see the plants, it is difficult to know the cause, but you may want to start by checking for different types of fungal born ailments (Fusarium Wilt, Bacterial Wilt, Verticillium Wilt, and Tomato Spotted Wilt) and Southern Blight here on GardeningKnowHow. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/tomato/wilting-tomato-plants.htm

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