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Hosta Plant

Q.Sum And Substance Hosta Problem?

Zone Chattanooga. TN. 37419 | markherndon@comcast.net added on May 9, 2021 | Answered

I’ve planted two Sum and Substance hosta. Both have a large stem with a bulb or cluster of leaves at the end. Not sur if this is normal.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 10, 2021

This can happen for a few reasons-

Diseased soils will produce spots such as this, but it can happen due to pH swings, or nutrient deficiencies, as well.

Too much sun can be damaging to the plant, as well. Make sure that these plants are situated in an area where they will receive quite a bit of shade. They will enjoy dappled light, but never full sun.

I would treat with a fungicide, first. This article will help:


These articles will help you to test your soil, and care for the plant:




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