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Elm Trees

Q.Stunted Growth On Lace Bark Elm

Zone 76244 | Anonymous added on March 26, 2022 | Answered

One of the Lace Bark Elms that I planted 2 years ago seems to have stopped growing though it leafs out beautifully each year. It’s approximately 3 feet tall has a beautifully full canopy but looks like it is an overgrow bonsai compared to it’s mate. They were the same size when planted and yet the short one hasn’t grown more than an inch since then while the other has shot up considerably; same ground, planting techniques and maintenance for both. Is there anything I can do to encourage it to grow taller?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 28, 2022

It does look like a miniature tree! I suggest collecting a soil sample and getting it tested. You can do that at your local Extension Center. Also inspect the leaves and stems for signs of insects. Is the soil compacted? Do you fertilize? The article below says to use a slow release, high nitrogen fertilizer twice a year.

Here is info on their optimal care that should help:




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