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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Spanish moss disappeared

Zone Klein, TX, a suburb of Houston (9b) | jtooth added on May 31, 2017 | Answered

My problem is unusual…I have an old oak that had beautiful Spanish moss. One day I realized the moss was gone. All of it. It was last spring, after a particularly lengthy wet period. I know moss wants to dry out. Could that have been it? Was it the fertilizer I put on the grass around the outer edges of the canopy? When I sprayed Round Up on garden weeds, did that float up and kill all of it? Oddly, I had some of the moss hanging on a bottle tree under the oak, and that moss is still there and seemingly growing. I saw an article on how to regrow my moss, but how do I insure it will not disappear again?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 31, 2017

Moss can die off from disease, and excess moisture can lead to a fungus.

Moss can also be knocked from the tree from heavy rain or wind.

Overspray from a herbicide can cause harm or kill anything it comes in contact with.

This article will help you with care for Spanish Moss.

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