Should it be soaked in dry climates? I live in southern California and it can be pretty dry (12 inches of rain average). Have purchased some spanish moss and am hanging it from an oak tree. Realize this is not an ideal climate, so should I be misting it or soaking it in water?
In addition to soaking it in water, I would recommend treating the Spanish moss with neem oil. This is an organic insecticide, which should take care of any pests but will not harm the plant or you. As a bonus, it doubles as a fungicide should any other issues pop up while you are growing it. Here is more information on neem oil:
After reading how to kill Spanish Moss on your site, I went & purchased Muriate of Potash, as I had asked for Potassium. I have grade 0-0-62, soluble potash (K2O)62.0%. I sprayed a good mixture mixed with water & did a test spray. Three days later, I see no evidence of browning or of killing this moss. Did I do something wrong, is my Potash not correct?
Please advise me.
Muriate of Potash is also known as potassium chloride. The potassium you want to use is "potassium salts of fatty acids," which is available in liquid form in several brands, such as "Safer Brand" for moss and algae.
An article titled "Spanish Moss Removal..." described using potassium as a way to get rid of Spanish moss. I've looked at two garden centers and two big box home improvement stores garden centers in North Fort Myers and none of them carry potassium. Is it called by another name? Article also described using baking soda. How much baking soda should I use with one gallon of water? Thank you for your prompt reply.
Sorry to hear you are having trouble finding potassium bicarbonate. I do know that Amazon sells it in one pound bags.
Based on my research, you mix a half cup of baking soda with the gallon of water.
For more information on spanish moss removal, please visit the following link:
In ridding trees of Spanish moss, you included potassium. There are several different types of potassium on the market. Which one is the one to use? We have a horrible problem with it destroying our live oaks. Removing it by hand is out of the question and need an easier way to get rid of it.
Purchase Potassium potash at garden centers.
Most articles say that it needs to be removed by hand or an arborist. However, is it possible to construct a spring loaded opposing claw on a long pole to grab and remove the moss from higher up in a tree? The claws would be operated with a rope at the lower end of the pole.
I have heard of homeowners connecting a rake to a long pole and bringing down the Spanish Moss.
It sounds like a great invention you have thought up!
I am now living in mid central Florida.....everything is covered in spanish moss, Even the azalas!! How do I get rid of this?
Yes, Spanish Moss has a reputation for taking over if not kept in check! These articles may help you learn how to best control it:
My problem is unusual...I have an old oak that had beautiful Spanish moss. One day I realized the moss was gone. All of it. It was last spring, after a particularly lengthy wet period. I know moss wants to dry out. Could that have been it? Was it the fertilizer I put on the grass around the outer edges of the canopy? When I sprayed Round Up on garden weeds, did that float up and kill all of it? Oddly, I had some of the moss hanging on a bottle tree under the oak, and that moss is still there and seemingly growing. I saw an article on how to regrow my moss, but how do I insure it will not disappear again?
Moss can die off from disease, and excess moisture can lead to a fungus.
Moss can also be knocked from the tree from heavy rain or wind.
Overspray from a herbicide can cause harm or kill anything it comes in contact with.
This article will help you with care for Spanish Moss.