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Garden Design

Q.Small Garden Design

Zone Brunei | sal.yussof added on May 7, 2020 | Answered

How to make my small vegetables garden look inviting? I am new at gardening and it has been 100 days now since i started planting from seeds. Some plants grows well and some are not. But im quite happy with what has been turned up since i started it. But i dont know how to arrange it. Any comments or suggestion will be much appreciated. Thanks, Sally

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 11, 2020

It looks like they are, already, arranged for the best light and airflow. Outside of that will be the cosmetics, which may or may not be conducive to growth.

It is completely up to you on how you would like it arranged. Personally, I would have them arranged as you do now, since it will offer good airflow, and even sunlight throughout, with the exception of ONE thing.

It looks like some shorter plants are in between tall plants and a building. They will be lacking some light, eventually.

I would make sure that those short plants are placed where they will not be blocked by the building or the taller plants. So on the other side of the tall plants may be best, depending on how they are oriented. If the sun moves from east to west, directly over that area, and everything there gets even sunlight all day, it may be fine in its current position. I am not certain of how the garden is oriented relative to its direction to the sun.

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