Q.Silver Birch snapped in Storm
I have a Silver Birch that was bought for our Silver Wedding Anniversary. It was about 15 feet tall and supported by a strong stake but it has snapped about 6 feet above the ground during heavy winds. There are no branches left at all.
Will it regenerate or should I dig up and remove?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
There is some liquid to seal plants, though we can't really recommend a brand. You will have to search for some. It isn't completely necessary, but it can help.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It will likely send out new branches to replace the broken top. This will not usually be the death of a Birch, but it will be quite hard on the tree.
It may introduce infection so there is still a chance that the tree will die, but not directly from the injury.
If uniformity is important, than replacing the tree will be the only option, however, it will probably survive the damage.

Thank you. Should I seal the top to prevent infection/water getting in? If so, how?